iSeq 100 | ISN MEDICAL

iSeq 100

iSeq 100

Next-generation sequencing (NGS) is easier and more affordable with the compact Illumina iSeq 100 System. The iSeq 100 System combines complementary metal-oxidesemi conductor (CMOS) technology with the proven accuracy of Illumina sequencing by synthesis (SBS) chemistry to deliver high-accuracy data with fast turnaround times. The iSeq 100 System generates up to 1.2 Gb of data per run in 19 hours and delivers the high resolution and analytical sensitivity needed for detection of rare variants and transcripts.

iSeq 100 System performance parameters
Run configurationReads passing filter (PF)/runOutputQuality scoresRun time
1 × 36 bp4M144 Mb> 85%~ 9 hours
1 × 50 bp4M200 Mb> 85%~ 9 hours
1 × 75 bp4M300 Mb> 80%~ 10 hours
2 × 75 bp4M600 Mb> 80%~ 13 hours
2 × 150 bp4M1.2 Gb> 80%~ 19 hours



1-color SBS chemistry.
CMOS detection.
Patterned/ExAmp Flowcell.
Fluidics contained cartridge.
Compact footprint, 1 ft3.
Run time: 17 hrs (300 cycles).
Introduced in 2018.

Bacterial, plasmid & viral sequencing (WGS, small genomes).
Targeted regions, amplicon sequencing: 16S metagenomics, Deeplex Myc
tuberculosis sequencing, CovidSeq assay, microbial amplicon Prep.
Mitochondrial DNA sequencing.
Small Amliseq panels: Oncology (BRCA, focus, Cancer HotSpot), Immune
response, custom DNA panel.
Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) typing (CareDx).
Library Quality Control.

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