How To Ensure That A Clinical Laboratory Result Is Correct

How To Ensure That A Clinical Laboratory Result Is Correct

Recently, we set up a poll with the question below:

The following are ways to ensure that a lab result is correct, except:

  • Adherence to SOP
  • Labelling
  • Quality Control
  • Regular calibration

After a few days, we had a result that looked like this…

lab result

We realise that it was a trick question, and we were intrigued by some of the reactions we received. Some voters expressed their thoughts about the options, and why they think that their choice in the poll was the most likely.

Beyond being correct or wrong, your reason is always important. A scientist must imbibe the culture of questioning the things they encounter.

That said, let’s explain how these options work together to produce a lab result that is accurate and reliable.

How To Ensure That A Clinical Lab Result Is Correct

  1. Adherence to SOP: Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are designed to ensure consistency, safety, and quality in the lab by providing detailed directions/ standardized instructions for tasks, training staff, and complying with regulatory standards. Adhering to SOPs reduce the risk of errors thereby increasing the chances of getting an accurate/ reliable result.
  2. Labelling: Clear and accurate labelling of samples, reagents and equipment is crucial for traceability and accuracy. This prevents mix-ups, ensures the correct identification of samples and facilitates the tracking of sample history and handling procedures. 
  3. Quality control: Regular quality control checks are proactive to identifying potential issues early, ensuring mitigation of risks in erroneous procedures and achieving reliable and accurate lab results.
  4. Regular calibration: Regular calibration (of instruments and other equipment) ensures that they function correctly and provide accurate measurements.

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Adherence to SOP, Labelling, Quality Control, and Regular calibration are all ways to ensure that a lab result is accurate and reliable. The right answer to the question would be none (not to choose anyone).

Thank you to everyone who engaged in the poll and those who questioned the options. Let’s work together to create a healthcare system where laboratory results are accurate and reliable.

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